Sunday, May 16, 2010

Picture of Seattle police at the Ballard Bank of America building

Truthfully, this isn't that great of a picture. It's a little blurry. But it did end up on two blogs, so it's interesting that way.

A few weeks ago, I was walking near the Bank of America building in Ballard. When I was walking by, I noticed several police cars, and I even noticed police officers that had their guns drawn!

They swarmed near back door to the Bank of America. Because they had their guns out, I thought maybe that a bank robbery was in progress.

I stopped and snapped some photos, and I talked to a guy who was watching this episode unfold.

I found out later that it was a false alarm. But I sent my pictures out to myballard and to seattlecrime, I am glad that I did.

The right to observe the police is a constitutional right. This isn't communist China.

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