Saturday, July 15, 2017

Reichstag Dome photographs.

View from the top of the Reichstag building in the city of Berlin, German. On the top of the Reichstag there is a large glass dome structure that provides a panoramic view of the city of Berlin. The structure is partially visible on the right hand side of this picture.

Picture of the a dome on top of the Reichstag building in Berlin.

 Picture of a dome structure (which is also known as a "cupola") on top of the Reichstag building in Berlin.

 View from inside of a dome that is on top of the Reichstag building in the city of Berlin.

 In the center of this dome is a mirror structure.

A walkway takes visitors up to the top of the dome.

 You can see the walkway that winds it way up the side of the dome.

The top of the dome actually had an open entrance to the sky, if I remember correctly. Rain or snow is collected and then funneled into the structure to be recycled by the building. 

Some tourists enjoying the panoramic views of Berlin.

Tourists up on the observation deck at the top.

Brandenburg Gate at night

View of the Brandenburg Gate at during. Picture taken during my 2014 trip to Germany. I've long been interested in this gate, and I am a big fan of Ronald Reagan's famous speech. I was happy to have visited it. Interesting neighborhood.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Tweet about Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Tweet I sent about the Berlin Hauptbahnhof.

Camp Ashraf protestors at the Brandenburg Gate - January 2014

Took some photographs of protestors in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. This was early January of 2014. The protestors were displaying signs about an attack that took place in 2013 at a place called Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

Berlin Hauptbahnhof - Berlin Central Station

Stopped into the Berlin Hauptbahnhof - which is Berlin's Central Station. Very futuristic!

Walhalla restaurant in Berlin

Had a very enjoyable meal at a place called Walhalla in Berlin. This was in early January of 2014.

Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

View of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin - January of 2014.